Why choose us?

We are focus on our customer’s needs. We know that when our customers are looking for a body shop, they want a place that not only takes great care of their car, but of them as well. We are basing on a constant search for quality.
Our reputation to make the repair process convenient, fast and qualitative is won every day. Not only with our loan cars and our exceptional relationships with insurance companies, but because our teams are doing their job to make you happy.
Once your car is in our hands, we encourage you to check the car's repair status through our /en/votre-reparationonline car repair status tool . You can see the progress on your car's improvement and feel more comfortable knowing what body repairs are being done and when. This tool adds the extra level of care that our customers not only deserve, but should expect.
Albax team
Our highly-trained and knowledgeable team members are experts in their fields. Each of our locations is equipped with auto collision specialists in paintless dent repair, auto glass repair and replacement, car towing and all forms of body repair.
Your satisfaction guaranteed
Customer care is our number one priority. Each location is equipped to handle your car from start to finish. When you call us we arrange, after agreement, for car towing, rental cars, insurance claims and auto body repair needs, allowing you to relax from beginning to the end.
24 months warranty
All bodywork is guaranteed 24 months, bringing you peace of mind.
For your convenience, Albax locations are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m to 12 a.m - 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
You will find all our opening hours on the page : Find a center
Florian M.
Accueil irréprochable. Travail très sérieux. Peinture et pare-chocs repris à neufs. Au top !
Je suis entièrement satisfait du service et de la réparation.
Vincent T.
Ma voiture était bugnée au niveau du pare choc et de la porte. Comme je suis maniaque, je ne pouvais la laisser en l’état. Je l’ai donc confié à ALBAX car j’avais déjà eu à faire à eux. . Ils sont venus chercher ma voiture, l’ont réparé, l’ont nettoyé et me l’ont ramené. . J’ai retrouvé une voiture comme neuve. Merci ALBAX pour ce professionnalisme.
Marine B.
J’ai fait réparer mon Grand Cherokee Jeep chez Albax à Nice Saint Roch. En plus d’un service de carrosserie impeccable ainsi que des délais maintenus, le véhicule m’a été rendu propre intérieur / extérieur. Je recommande vivement cet atelier, le personnel comme la prestation sont à la hauteur de la réputation de cette enseigne.
Luc B.
Bonjour. Je viens de récupérer mon véhicule beau travail rapide propre albax gentilly. Équipe agréable. Merci encore. Luc bailly